the heart of the matter|the heart of the matter in English


novel written in 1948 by Graham Greene

Use "the heart of the matter|the heart of the matter" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the heart of the matter|the heart of the matter" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the heart of the matter|the heart of the matter", or refer to the context using the word "the heart of the matter|the heart of the matter" in the English Dictionary.


2. 22 Fatherhood is a matter of the heart.

3. (Conference Board 2005b) This absence of feedback may be the heart of the matter.

4. Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.

5. Baptism is a matter of the heart as well as an outward profession

6. But the quickest way to the heart of any matter is with a big check.

7. She has got to the heart of the matter with her wonted precision and customary acuity.

8. Compare to life in, the matter usually met an antinomy, usually heart belligerence.

9. For that matter, how can the heart of a beast be given to a tree’s rootstock?

10. Another Swahili saying gets to the heart of the matter. It says: “Borrowing and lending spoil a friendship.”

11. I seem to present the Kingdom message more in a matter-of-fact way and less from the heart.

12. 21 The stem cells at the heart of the matter are to be found in human embryos a few days old.

13. As a Matter of Fact: Convincing the World That Archives Matter

14. Anterooms of the heart? what is Anterooms of the heart? Source(s): Anterooms heart:

15. Providing much-needed lawn Aeration for your grass entails dealing with thatch—which, along with compacted soil (see below), lies at the heart of the matter

16. 17 Who would have thought such a business matter could have nettled my own heart like this!

17. The Crystallized Heart is an upgraded helmet of the Zombie's Heart

18. No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.

19. We create magnetic fields which are weaker, like the material of the Matter; magnetic field of the Matter.

20. My Heart Is Not My OwnRadical Acceptanceyour Love Is Blasting in My HeartChild of the HeartMelody of the HeartBack to the HeartWhen the Heart WaitsMy Heart Is a CompassPiece of My HeartMy Heart is My OwnTattoos on the HeartHer Heart, His HomeMelt My HeartMy Heart is My OwnYour Heart, My

21. This is the nub of the matter.

22. Right of the heart.

23. As for me Daniel, my CogitationS much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart

24. Matter is the opposite of mind.

25. Consider first the matter of the sparrows.